(928) 257-3688
Dental cone beam CT scan (CBCT)
A dental cone beam CT scan is a type of CT scan. It is sometimes called a CBCT scan. This is a quick and painless test.
The scan creates 3D images of your jaws and teeth. It does this using X-rays and information on a computer.
The cone-shaped X-ray beam has a lower amount (dose) of radiation than a typical CT scan. This means that it is safer.
The scan gives us information that we cannot get from usual X-rays. For example, we can check the exact shape of the bone in your jaw. This helps us to decide if you are suitable for dental implants.
Radiation from a cone beam CT scanBackground radiation (energy given out as particles or waves) is always there in our everyday environment.A typical CT scan of the jaw gives about the same amount of radiation that you would get in 63 to 154 days.A cone beam CT scan of the jaw gives about the same amount of radiation that you would get in 6 to 30 days. This is much lower than for a standard CT scan of the same area.Preparing for your scanPlease tell the radiographer (the healthcare professional who does your scan) if you might be pregnant.If you are having the scan to plan dental implants, we might ask you to bring a 'localisation stent' with you. This is a special plate that you wear like a denture. It has markers to guide the X-ray scan. You only need to wear this during the scan.Make sure that you wear loose-fitting clothes around your neck for the scan. Avoid polo neck jumpers or ties.Remove jewellery around your head and neck, such as earrings, studs, necklaces, hair clips or any other metal accessories.Remove your glasses, dentures or hearing aids before the scan.You do not need any injections or special preparations for this scan.During the scanYour cone beam CT scan takes about 30 minutes.You sit in the scanner.We carefully position your head and ask you to keep still while we take the scan. Try not to swallow, talk or move your jaw during the scan.The scanner moves around your head in a circle.Each scan takes less than a minute.You might need more than 1 scan. This depends on the reason for your test.This scan is not painful. You need to stay still for the scan.If you are claustrophobic (anxious when in a small and closed space), please tell the radiographer. They can then give you support and advice.
Business Hours
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
*Late appointments
available only by request.
Online Map & Driving Directions
281 Saratoga Ave. 21320, Los Algodones, B.C., Mexico
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